How Healthcare Providers are Using Instant Verification of Benefits to Streamline the Admissions Process

Instant Verification of Benefits: Improving the Admissions Process for Healthcare Providers Patients not qualified for Medicaid and Medicare are on the back burner due to their inability to pay promptly. Remembering that they still require healthcare, hospital admissions staff juggled numerous bills before deciding who would receive treatment. Meanwhile, uninsured patients languished in waiting rooms, […]

Drug Rehab Owners Deserve Kudos

Running a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center is difficult for drug rehab owners. Understanding the medical side can be just as important as understanding the business side. Marketing is also another critical element. Failure to understand these essential elements can be the difference between running a profitable drug and alcohol addiction treatment center and […]

Owning a Drug Rehab: The Business Side

Owners are often not shown the appreciation they deserve for owning a drug rehab. These individuals are at the frontline of the opioid epidemic. They have dedicated their lives to saving lives and helping others achieve long-term sobriety. The general public does not realize how difficult it is to own and operate a drug and […]

Drug Rehab CEOs – Stop Guessing With instantvob®

instantvob® knows that owning and operating a drug rehab can be a difficult task. There are many aspects and moving parts to a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center. Some of these critical areas include business, clinical, and marketing. Sometimes they need comprehensive and utterly accurate information within seconds to help save lives. Although many […]

What does Verification of Benefits Mean To Patients?

Verification of benefits is one of the most crucial aspects of revenue cycle management. Its importance is undeniable when you consider the perspective of providing a luxury service to your patients. Moreover, you are removing a huge barrier between them and their crucial medical treatment. Since medical institutions want to provide the best service possible […]

What Insurance Verification Programs Means for your Addiction Treatment Clinic

Insurance verification programs are critical considering 78% of potential clients admit to the first person who approves admission. Providing a process to eliminate barriers to patients’ care, such as insurance verification software, clinics not only help the patient through the complexities of health insurance but also improve their revenue cycle management. Online Insurance Verification is […]

How Online Verification of Benefits Can Help You to Grow Your Practice

Insurance helps decrease healthcare service costs and gives patients immediate treatment options. After services have been rendered, things become complicated, with insurance companies not paying for different services. According to the AJMC, denials for various services have risen by 11% annually, increasing disputes about what is covered. These challenges make it difficult to know if insurance […]

Top 3 Reasons to Use instantvob® for Instant Verification of Benefits

When a patient checks into a rehab facility, their first impression is with the front desk. Essentially, this sets the tone for their visit, whether it be an hour-long therapy session or a 30-day inpatient program. If your front desk staff is already juggling many tasks, verifying the patient’s insurance eligibility and benefits while meeting […]

How Substance Use Disorder Treatment Providers Can Increase Productivity

Substance Use Disorder treatment providers play a vital role in our society. They help individuals recover from substance use disorder from substances like drugs and alcohol addiction. They provide individuals with the tools to become productive community members again. To continue their role, providers must look to improve every aspect of their services, from offering […]

Instant Verification of Benefits Technology With Quality Customer Support

When your alcohol and substance abuse center uses cutting-edge technology for instant verification of benefits, this goes a long way in strengthening your business. With instantvob®, our online portal allows you to enter patients’ names to see their benefits and eligibility information. Ultimately, this will save your staff time and improve the patient experience. Another important […]

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